STORY: CBA responds to government energy support package
The Craft Bakers Association (CBA) has cautiously welcomed the government's announcement of 21 September of a support package to UK businesses that will hopefully cut energy bills by more than half of what many had expected them to be.
“Whilst it is indeed a relief to our members that they will not be facing the huge bills many were expecting – ranging from an increase of 83% to 533%, most will still be paying at least a third more than last year," says Karen Dear, director of operations at the CBA.
"This on top of a significant increase in ingredient and other costs, means that it will still be a tough winter. Also, as it stands at the moment, this cap is only for six months, which makes planning almost impossible. Whilst we recognise the government is reviewing the package in three months, we would have preferred the support to be guaranteed for 12 months not six and to have greater clarity now about what it actually will include.
“We will therefore be continuing to liaise with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy for some guaranteed long-term support for our members to ensure their businesses can continue to operate without redundancies or worse.”